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Lawn Care Products
Keep your lawn looking its best with same lawn care products that we use on our own farms at Super-Sod. Explore our selection of high-quality and effective lawn care products. Order online for delivery or pick up.
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Fertilizer & Lime
16-4-8 + Iron: Total Lawn Food
The perfect all-purpose fertilizer for Tall Fescue, Bermuda, & Zoysia
5-10-30 + Iron: Starter and Centipede Formulation
Low-nitrogen fertilizer for Centipede or new sod at installation
18-24-12 Starter Fertilizer + Iron
A high nitrogen fertilizer for Tall Fescue, Bermuda, and Zoysia lawns
Weed Control
Grassy Herbicide for Weed Control
Use this to control a variety of broadleaf weeds plus grassy weeds