Zeon Zoysia Sod

The easy fine-textured Zoysia with unbeatable luxury and softness

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Medium Green Color
Fine Texture
Dense Lawn
Full Sun
Partial Shade
Heat Tolerant
Cold Tolerant
Drought Resilient
Insect & Disease Resistant

Zeon Zoysia Sod Description

Zeon Zoysia sod is so adaptable that it thrives in the heat of the lower South and cold winters of the upper South. It boasts a higher disease and insect resistance than some varieties of warm season grasses. Due to it's dense growth patterns, Zeon Zoysia also resists weeds and even requires less fertilization than some Bermudagrasses.

  • Shade tolerant; a turfgrass that’s widely adaptable to full sun or moderate shade
  • Medium green color
  • Medium/fine-textured blade
  • Makes a lawn with a lush, dense growth habit
  • Tolerant of extreme heat and cold
  • Drought tolerant: it goes dormant in extended drought, greening up again when rains return
  • Insect & disease resistant

Before installation
After installation

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